Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This is the day that the Lord has made!

Louisa means "Maiden of War"

I'm leaving Malaysia in 2 days!!!!!! I kinda feel like I'm going off to war... what would you do if you had 2 more days to spend with your family before going off to fight in the army? I know college won't have grenades and trenches, but it seems like it will, at times! How do you cope with being bombarded with homework AND unfamiliarity at the same time...? Trust in God, I guess :)

Iman means "Faith" (in Urdu)

Oh boy, war is not for those with a shaky faith. A faithless soldier is like a monkey on a jell-O trampoline... (yum ^^) I don't think I'll be able to handle the constant BOOMs and BANGs and KAPOWs without trusting that Jesus is in my heart.

DeHart means "of the Heart"

When I was little I used to think (ok, maybe for a VERY brief moment) that you could do open heart surgery on me and find Jesus in there, with his own little bedroom and library... well, he doesn't need all those things, but He's in there alright! I invited him in when I was 7 (obviously it was His idea, not mine) :D

I am off to do some yoga. Look up Colossians 2:10 and say it to everyone you meet today. Au revoir! Much love to all of you :) (Judah turned 7 yesterday! woohoo!)