Saturday, September 18, 2010


SO, my third week of college has been quite an experience. Why? well, I will tell:
My school is in a constanct brouhaha (1) of faces and new sounds... it can get overwhelming at times, but I enjoy the pulse of the city! (bum-BUM bum-BUM)

My classes are quite exciting- Cyberspace (search the word "run" on your computer and then type in "cmd" and enter... you can learn to talk to your computer this way through tons of secret codes!) and Mosaics (we are learning that the Mesopatamian gods flooded the earth, but unlike God, they regretted their decision because they were hungry for man's sacrifices... uh-oh) are just 2 of my 5 awesome classes :D

However, sometimes my classes are boring and my teachers go on and on... and then I can't stop doodling. And I get tarantism (2) big time!

There will be more fun words to come!

(1) hullaballoo or commotion
(2) The urge to dance


  1. hi louisa! please follow my blog.

  2. hhii Louisa! there is a long time span between this post and the last one!!

  3. yup, myrddin, there is.. i've been very busy. Have you been busy?
    ok, I will, Nadi! :)
