On Friday the 6th of August, my pops and I jumped in a Malaysian airport taxi... it was a sunny and windy day (perfect for hanging my wet tank top and underwear out the window to dry as we sped down the highway) and we lunched on our last meal of roti. Then came the flight. Snuggling up for a looooooooooooooooong journey, I turned to the old movies, like Doctor Zhivago (a guy with a double chin and a double romance) and the sky over the ocean was BEAUTIful :D

Brr...freeeeezing foggy San Fran, we sizzled in the hot tub, had pizza and watched movies in our snuggly hotel room. In Salt Lake City, we ate bagels. nom nom ^^

Up in Montana, we celebrated!!!! Staying at the Routson's house was amazing, because they're such fun people with fun dogs (Bailey licked my entire arm off) and a fun house :) I saw my buddies again!!! I hung out with Christina and Rachel and loads of others that came to kl in july, and some of their friends too... we ate sushi, went to the fair and I'll miss them a lot. :(

Dun dun dun... Dad + me + Fishing = fun! backpacking in the Beartooths was a blast. we caught 10 fishies (their names were Demetrius, Cassandra, Big Mouth, Kieth, Jeffrey, Winifred, Bob, Desperado, Ulysses and Theodore) the ones we ate (the first 5) were DELICIOUS!!! mmm "gourmet" dad says...
*sigh* I start orientation for school on monday. Although my big brother is here to show me around and I have some friends, I'm still a bit nervous about my classes and making friends. Please pray for me! thanks :)

Love you all very much,
PS: Star Spangles had a great time in Billings, Montana!!! He went nuts over the Grizzly Burgers ;)